Ignore activities blocked by an access restriction: No
Ignore groups for administrators and users with the capability to access all groups: Yes
Display the estimated time completed, based on the estimated time of the course, in the student progress table or as part of the statistics, depending on the user profile. If this box is not checked, the real time is displayed.: No
If the display of the estimated time is not chosen, display the real time calculated according to the statistics of the IntelliBoard plugin, if it is installed.: No
Enrollments to this course: No
Notification used: Inscription par défaut
Non-access to this course: No
Notification used: Non accès aux cours par défaut
Events link to this course: No
Take into account access restrictions to activities: No
Ignore "date" type restrictions: No
Ignore "group" type restrictions: No
Notification used: Evènement de cours par défaut